Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chronology of the Flood

Chronology of the Flood of Noah
1.   Noah is 600 years old, ark complete (Genesis 6:6)
2.   God speaks to Noah first time recorded (Genesis 6:13)
3.   God speaks to Noah second time recorded
4.   600 years, second month, 17th of month, Flood starts (Genesis 7:11)
5.   600 years, one week (seven days) The Flood starts (Genesis 7:10)
6.   Rain forty days (Genesis 7:17)
7.   Water prevailed 150 days, then stops (Genesis 7:24)
8.   Another 150 days to drain (Genesis 8:3)
9.   Seventh month, seventeenth day, Ark rests on the mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:4)
10. Water goes down until tenth month, first day, mountain tops seen (Genesis 8:5)
11. Forty days later, Noah opens window at the top of the Ark releases raven which never comes back (Genesis 8:7)
12.  Noah releases dove also but it returns (Genesis 8:8)
13.  Seven more days, releases dove again (Genesis 8:10)
14.  Dove returns, same day in the evening with olive leaf. (Genesis 8:11)
15.  Seven more days, Noah releases dove third time, which never returns (Genesis 8:12)
16.  Second month, 27th day, earth dried up, Noah opens covering of Ark (Genesis 8:14)
17.  Six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry. (Genesis 8:13)
18.  Six hundredth and first year, in the second month, twenty seventh of the month, earth dried (Genesis 8:14)
19.  God speaks to Noah third time recorded (Genesis 8:15)