Monday, December 8, 2014

The Full Gospel

Revelation Chapter 8 This takes a translator in Chichewa in Malawi, or Portuguese in Mozambique.


There is a Creator God who made the universe, the sun, moon and all of the stars and, of course most importantly, the earth, the trees, the animals, plants, rocks,the water-everything that there is.  He then made on that beautiful, perfect world a beautiful, perfect Garden called the Garden of Eden for mankind.  He then made a man called Adam, the first man, out of the dust of the earth with His own hands and breathed into him the breath of life and he then was alive and had a soul. Adam was the first man and the first person on earth.
He told Adam that he could eat from any tree in the Garden of Eden except for one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If he ate from it, he would die that day.  That death was a spiritual death and separation from God and eventually a real death, like we die.  You all here see death daily from AIDS and Malaria and crocodiles and hippos and old age. It is the same as in the states. The death rate is one per person.

God then put Adam to sleep, took one of his ribs and made a woman from the rib and called her Eve, the first woman ever on earth, from whom all maknkind came, her and Adam.  The two of them were the first husband and wife, and they were naked, but were not ashamed and did not even know that they were naked.
There was a subtle serpent in the Garden of Eden who told them that it was OK to eat of the fruit of the tree of the the knowledge of good and evil, because maybe they did not quite hear what God said correctly. Then the serpent deceived them into thinking they would not die from eating the fruit from that tree.

They ate the fruit and then realized that they had disobeyed God and that they were naked. This disobedience is called sin, and that sin passed on to all of us, just like as if we all were there and ate the fruit with them. 
They sewed fig leaves together to cover their nakedness.  They then hid from God because of their shame.  

God had to kill an animal to make clothing of animal skins for Adam and Eve. This was the first real, physical death of anything or anyone on earth.  God came to them in the Garden and pronounced a curse on all three of them, the man Adam, his wife Eve and the serpent. 
He also cursed the ground and everything on the earth and in the universe. This is why the world we live in has so much death, disease and problems in it.  We all have the curse of sin on us.

From Adam and Eve came all of the people on earth and we are all related.  We may be lighter than you, but we are all the same kind of people, all from God and loved by Him. 

But God cannot have man go to the place God lives called Heaven because He is holy and we are not, so he made a place for the serpent called the devil which is called hell, and a place of flames and torment with separation forever from God.
God then made a nation called Israel, which is just north of all of Africa. It is a tiny nation but one which is God's. He chose it to come to earth and became a man named Jesus Christ, to die a horrible death by being nailed to a tree in the shape of a Cross and crucified.   He had to do this because, since Adam and Eve disobeyed, the penalty for that death and separation from God and a blood sacrifice which was perfect.  No person can die for you because their blood does not do anything for sin as we are not holy.  But Jesus Christ was perfect and died to pay for all of our sins so we could go to Heaven and be with God forever.  

We are all three parts-body, soul and spirit.  Our body lives for only so long and then it dies. Maybe 40-80 years, but here in Africa often children even die young, even as infants.  The other two parts are the soul and the spirit.  The soul is given to us by God and is that part of us that lives forever either in Heaven or Hell, guaranteed. 

The last part of us is our spirit. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed, everyone is born with a dead spirit.  It comes alive when we are born again. If we are born once, our spirit and body, being dead, cannot enter Heaven, so we go to hell after we die, and are judged for our sins. We become born again when we accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice on that Cross for our sins.

He died so we can get to Heaven ,but we have to believe on Jesus Christ and accept Him as our Lord and Savior.
Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose from the dead three days later.  He went back into Heaven to make a home for us.  He will come again to take us who are still alive with Him and to Him.  This life offers no hope for anyone of us, and then death comes to us after that.  without Jesus Christ, we pay the penalty for our sin after we die in hell, eternally separated from God. 

With Jesus Christ, we all can have the hope of eternal life.

While talking, interspersed with quotes from Genesis throughout the Bible, especially John 3 and Romans Road.  Five to ten minutes, tops, with translator.