Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Word of God


  1. God claims in the the Bible that the Bible is His Word hundreds of times
  2. God speaks any language, and invented them all
  3. God can translate
  4. God inspired it
  5. God promised to preserve it
  6. God put strong warnings on tampering with His Word and words(Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:5-6. Revelation 22:18-19)
  7. God never said that the New Testament would be in Greek instead of Hebrew, but no one questioned that
  8. They do not speak Koine Greek today, only classical Greek, nor do we read, pray, preach in Greek or Hebrew in our churches today
  9. Different words mean different meanings (Proverbs 30)
  10. God never promised to preserve "meanings"..........but actual words, every one of them
  11. God never wanted people to be scholars to know His Word, nor to learn a foreign language
  12. God never once spoke of "scholars" in a good light, and Paul counted that part of himself as dung
  13. God used the scribes and preserved it
  14. The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Old Testament, but is not from God
    • This is evidenced by the facts IN the Bible:
    • God specifically instructed the Jews never to return to Egypt(the world, like us)
    • NOTHING GOOD but liberalism ever came from Alexandria
    • Some accounts say 70 scribes went (septa=seventy), but it was 72 scribes
    • The Septuagint was not ever blessed by God and not considered part of the Canon when it was translated in 1611, as it contains doctrinal, geographical and theological errors
    • It is in the small MINORITY of mss, not the majority
    • Any mss like it that is not worn out was not used of God
  15. God is not interested in "the originals", nor do we have any today. In fact He had two burned and we still have them in our Bible
  16. NO ONE ALIVE TODAY has ever seen "an original", so the claim, "We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the verbally inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, infallible and God-breathed." is completely false in every way
  17. The scribes process of copying a mss was so exact it was better than a Xerox today
  18. God said EVERY WORD would be pure, precious, and preserved forever
  19. God's Word is eternal and can exist apart from paper, ink, computers, billboards, T-shirt, stone carvings, etc.
  20. The enemy hates God's Word, and has always had his own
  21. There have always been deliberately corrupted mss, starting in Genesis 3
  22. There have always been two distinct lines of The Word of God and "the word of god"
  23. This practice was in Paul's day (2 Corinthians 2:17)
  24. No one IN the Bible who walked with God corrected His Word
  25. There is no reason to INSPIRE the Word, then lose it, only to have last days scholars "recover, restore" it.
  26. Is your salvation lost, or is it dependent on that "lost" Word being restored?
  27. We no longer have ALL of the mss anyways today
  28. Your own salvation rests upon its perfection from a Holy God
  29. It reads exactly the same as it did in 1611, with very slight pronunciation differences, differences in spelling
  30. All languages devolve, and English was at its height in the early 1600s
  31. The Catholic Mass, done only in Latin, was to exclude the Catholics from knowing what God said. The same today is the person who proclaims, "But in the original Greek" or "In the original Hebrew" or "In the original language" is doing the same, implying or even outright proclaiming that, unless the person reads "the Greek" or "the Hebrew", they cannot fully understand the Word of God, as "it does not translate" or "it is an unfortunate mistranslation from the Greek"(or the Hebrew)
  32. Check the definition in any old Webster's ENGLISH dictionary and you will find that "Greek definition" or "Hebrew definition" listed there
  33. Only one line of mss, and one Bible, was preserved through the deaths of martyrs, and only one English Bible was forbidden to be translated. Period.
  34. God never copyrighted His Word, but told the Jews to "publish it"(Psalm 68:11, et al)
  35. God never instructed the Jews to make "versions" of His Word, but rather copy it, read it, publish it, obey it, teach it
  36. You cannot copy and publish a "version" without express written permission from.............THE PUBLISHER
  37. It is our only offensive weapon, and cannot be imperfect or dull
  38. No other Bible is a translation, but they are "versions"
  39. No Revival, Enlightenment, Renaissance ever came from anything in English other than the King James Bible
  40. God speaks English
  41. We do not conduct church services in Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic
  42. The 1881 Revision committee was led by Westcott and Hort, two acknowledged fathers of the New Age Movement and lauded by none other than Madame Blavatsky
  43. Westcott and Hort were into ghosts, denied the deity of the LORD Jesus Christ, were into magic, "automatic writing", talking to the dead, etc.
  44. In a debate over their Bible handling practices, they were shellacked, crushed, annihilated by Dean John Burgon, who wrote two volumes, one being "The Revision Revised"
  45. The King James Bible was used in public schools for history, English grammar, linguistics and other uses until the late 1800s
  46. People, including children raised on it, and foreigners as well, understand it.
  47. Nothing on earth of any sort has ever been discovered in any way and in any place that can show error to the King James Bible
  48. It is written at a lower grade level than any "modern" version
  49. Not one attempt has ever been made to "update the archaic language" but rather to supplant it with inferior mss and word changes
  50. It used to be disputed what God it is over what He ACTUALLY SAID
  51. If the Bible is not the Final Authority, then man decides what God said, not God
  52. God wrote to the Gentiles in the Church Age in a Gentile language, universally spoken more than any other, and simply
  53. The Word of God was NEVER EVER written to scholars.....not even one time. It was written to shepherds, farmers, fishermen, housewives, children
  54. The authors included fishermen, shepherds, politicians, a doctor, a former Pharisee,peasants
    • Moses (a murderer turned into a great political leader, who trained in Egypt)
    • Peter (a fisherman)
    • Daniel (a prime minister)
    • Amos (shepherd, herdsman)
    • Luke (physician)
    • Joshua (general in the military)
    • Solomon (king with innumerable pagan wives)
    • Nehemiah (cupbearer)
    • Matthew (tax collector)
    • Saul (mass murderer, Pharisee)
    • David (adulterer, murderer, king)
  55. God let His Word be refined underground, through the deaths of martyrs
  56. God resurrected His Word after the fulfillment of Amos 8:11
  57. ONLY The King James Bible translation was done publicly, with public input to correct typist errors, printing errors
  58. ALL other versions until today are done secretly by "scholars" who claim they have more knowledge than you, "the latest findings"
  59. "Oldest and best mss do not contain ____" is a lie, since oldest is not best, it is simply oldest, making it meaningless, since the enemy has corrupted the Word since the Garden (Genesis 3) and man since also (2 Corinthians 2:17)
  60. The "Modern Versions" are missing words, entire verses and doctrines, and even sometimes change a modern word to an archaic one
  61. All of our doctrines (100%) and any beliefs and practices (and our salvation)we have are based upon that book of books, meaning it cannot contain errors
  62. God is not an "almost" God, preserving 99.999% of His Word, letting us find the lost parts one day to restore it
  63. God is not the author of confusion
  64. One alone is the number of unity, and two division
  65. The Bible USED to be read aloud in churches, as the frontispiece reads, "The holy bible appointed to be read in churches"